News & Insights

Telecom Industry Measures Success Through Data and KPIs

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It seems like there is no end of buzzwords in business. From synergy to sustainability to retargeting, the list goes on and on. As we move to a more automated […]


The Value of KPIs and Data for Nonprofits

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How strategy and wealth management experts can help nonprofits make informed decisions – and showcase data to critical leaders. What are KPIs When running your organization, your gut instinct plays […]


Top Four Considerations for Outsourcing Your Accounting and Financials

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You work hard to keep your practice running. But are you working to keep it growing? Chances are your practice is experiencing lapses in billing due to coding errors and […]


The Value of KPIs, Utilize Your Data to Track Success in Your Municipality

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Meeting strategic goals is nearly impossible without well-thought-out projects, targets, and measures. KPIs (key performance indicators) help you understand what influence your data has and which actions to take by […]


How KPI’s and Data Can Strengthen Your Employee Benefit Plan

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As we move in to a more automated and data-driven workforce, there’s one buzzword that seems to rise above the rest, Key Performance Indicator (KPI). It’s consistently driven home that […]


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