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Resources from the AICPA’s Enhancing Audit Quality (EAQ) Initiative

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Quality Management

The effective date of the new quality management standards continues to quickly approach. Recall that a firm’s system of quality management must be operational by December 15, 2025; therefore, firms will need to have identified and understood their firm’s individual risks and have implemented the appropriate risk responses. Additionally, SQMS No. 1 requires firm leadership to evaluate whether the firm is meeting its quality objectives, with the first evaluation due by December 15, 2026.

Be sure to take advantage of the AICPA resources on implementing the Statements on Quality Management Standards, including:

Further, the Journal of Accountancy has a series of articles covering various aspects for consideration when implementing your quality management system.

If you have any questions regarding peer review quality management, please reach out to our Peer Review experts at or by calling us at 517-323-7500.

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