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Team Member Spotlight: Toni Horsch

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Toni Horsch, Manager, celebrates a big Maner-versary this September. Take a moment to congratulate her on 27 years at Maner.  A Manager working in our Accounting and Outsource Solutions department, Toni primarily supports clients in the Closely Held and Nonprofit Associations and is in the Payroll niche. Additionally, Toni is passionate about team member development and is on the Accounting training team. Learn more about Toni below.

Describe the 3 characteristics about yourself that you believe helps you in your career.

I believe my patience, desire to help others, and love of doing puzzles greatly helps in my career and my relationships with clients and staff.

What is your cultural background?

I am Dutch and English on my Mom’s side and Lebanese, French Canadian, and Native American on my Dad’s side. I am a member of the Sault Ste. Marie tribe of Chippewas. I am always amazed at the incredible risk many of my ancestors took to come to the US.  Some were never able to go back to visit relatives and many sacrifices were made to come here and improve their lives.  I think it’s a great inspiration to take some risks and not take the position I’m in now for granted.

What is your fondest memory growing up?

Visiting my grandparents in St. Ignace in the Upper Peninsula during the Summer was a wonderful time in my life.

We went up every Summer and very few other times during the year.  As you can imagine, my grandparents treated us extra-special, and it was always a happy time.




What do you do for fun outside of work? hobbies, etc.

I love to cook, making traditional recipes healthier and lower carbs.  I also love to travel with my husband, Russell.  Our most recent big trip was to Alaska.

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